Representing construction and mining sector before the National Chamber of Appeals
Our law firm represented two large trade associations: the Polish Association of the Construction Sector Employers and the Polish Association of Aggregates Producers, in the appeal proceedings at the National Chamber of Appeals involving the award of a contract for “the redevelopment and extension of the Lipno-Kamień Kotowy and regional boundary line section of the 559 inter-regional road. The two associations had joined their claim to that of Skanska SA. The contracting authority Regional Road Authority in Bydgoszcz had amended the SIWZ (contract notice), as demanded by the appellant – a motion that had been supported by our law firm’s clients.
The NCA appeal concerned removal of the ambiguous terms in the SIWZ (contract notice) concerning the use of limestone chippings in road building but which were in breach of the fair trading rules.
Both clients were represented before the NCA by Robert Siwik.